Thursday, November 18, 2010


Hey guys,

First of all don't panic, this isn't yet another delay note. This is "I need to get a few things out there note", lol if that makes sense. 

1. I think that for the next couple weeks till finals are over on December 8 for me, I'm only going to be posting once a week. BUT I will make those posts as long as I possibly can. Since I posted last on Monday, I'll just stick with that. When finals are over though, I'll have almost a month off so I'll go back to writing probably 2 or 3 times a week. 

2. I don't know if you guys remember a personal post I made a couple months ago about Alex leaving for a year long study abroad program? He left in the middle of August which means its been 3 months since I've seen him. We've been talking and skypeing everyday but if anyone's ever been in a long distance relationship its not easy. I'm starting to go a little crazy since he won't even be back for Christmas and it seems like the next time I'll see him will be in March when he gets a 3 week break and comes home. 
Because of this my brains been cooking up some really sad scenorios for poor Rory and I would be ready for some twists and turns.

3. If anyone has any advice on how to keep a long distance thing going, I'd love it because I don't know if I can handle it. 



  1. Hey Rory,

    At the end of spring, my best friend and I got together. He moved in with me, and, since we work together (uhm, yeah), we used to spend all day together all the time. Last month he left to spend one year in London.

    We deal by visiting each other, which I assume from your post you probably cannot do?

    Still, we do talk a lot on daily basis, and make a point of telling each other how much in love we are...

    Long distance is always tough, but it's easier if you know how much it will last exactly, and if you feel he's "the one"... well, you deal.

    In my personal experience, training helps me, because it distracts me and helps me sleeping better!

    Lots of hugs


  2. Hi Rory, I did email you this but since it's finally letting me post here, I figured I'd send it here too.

    So I have to say I'm in the same boat as you except for the fact that my husband is currently deployed with the military. The long distance relationship is very very hard, and some days it feels like you wont be able to hand it, but you can. The old saying distance makes the heart grow founder is completely true. Trust me hun, it will work out in the end. You just have to stay strong and when he is home, you will realize how much he means to you and if you guys are together for a long time, one year isn't that long for how long you will actually be together. I'm lucky if I get to talk to my husband more than once a week right now so for me it is even more difficult and I have until next August before he comes home.

    If you need to talk about it though, you can let me know and I will definitely talk :)

  3. I've done the long distance thing, too. It was very hard because, in those 3 years, we were only able to see each other for a few days!!! We talked on the phone once a week or every 2 weeks. The thing is, if you really think the person is the right one for you, you just put up with it, somehow. It takes real commitment and... trust. That relationship didn't work out but it was due to other issues.
    Still, I swore I would never do the long distance thingy again. Only to start my next relationship directly as a long distance one! lol. It was only the first 6 months, we saw each other once during that time, chatted and emailed everyday. It was trying but very much worth it. We've been together for 6 years now, married for 4 of them.
