Friday, July 23, 2010


Hi guys,
I'm sorry for going MIA for the last few weeks. I honestly don't have any excuse other then that I've been crazy busy. I'm doing a internship with a criminal law attorney who has me running in every direction in town and I'm working full time right now. We've been short 1 person since the beginning of the month because of people taking vacations and we've been having to pull together to cover the extra shifts. Plus my family is opening a new Indian restaurant in our town which is a totally new experience for us all. I'm in charge of making the menu's and logo which is a lot of work. I'm barely ever at home unless I'm sleeping and don't have any extra time at all to do this.
I know I've been horrible with keeping a schedule on this blog, especially in the last few months. I considered just ending the blog but decided not to because the rest of Rory's story is swirling around in the far exhausted regions of my brain. The restaurant opens on August 14, which is about 3 weeks from today and everyone is back from vacation on July 30. I should have some free time opening up in the next couple of weeks and as soon as I do, this blog is going to be one of the first things I do.
I hope that you all stick with me through this crazy year I seem to have been having so far. I promise when I do come back the story will be worth it.


Do any of you know of any good fictional blogs? Basically all the ones I read have suddenly ended or put on hone indefinitely.


  1. Hey, Rory! I know you're so busy right now, but at least it all sounds awesome! It must be amazing to be working in criminal law, and opening a restaurant must also be a lot of fun, besides the craziness it entails.

    I'd love to read more about (ficitional) Rory's life, but I understand that life gets in the way and (real) Rory needs to take care of the important stuff right now!

    I'm also the same as you trying to find new fictional blogs. I don't know if you read the Diary of J, but she just started a fictional story. Other than that, I'm not familiar with any updatable fictional blogs. Of the 8 blogs I follow, I think 4 or 5 are on hiatus or ended.

    Take care, Rory, and I'll keep an eye out for your updates or a good blog to recommend!

  2. Glad to know that you are just busy and that nothing else has happened.

    As far as blogs I am almost afraid to tell you!! I read a couple of them but is very good. She has a few other stories off to the right hand side."Somtimes" I read and "Wishing on a Star". All three of these are stories are wonderful but I will warn you that she doesn't post small updates, when she lets you read, you are reading for awhile!! They are also extremly addicitng so you might not be able to stop reading which is why I almost don't want you to start reading them, you might not post here for awhile again!! :) :)

    Again, glad to know that things are ok and I will just keep checking in.
